Uncover the remarkable story of civil rights activist Joan Trumpauer, a legendary Freedom Rider who worked to help de-segregate America. Trumpauer and her son Loki Mullholland join this episode of Roots, Race, & Culture to discuss topics of voter suppression, gerrymandering, and the importance of every vote.
Lonzo and Danor host a discussion with Tiffany Rasmussen and Dr. Harjit Kaur about race and beauty standards. Inspired by Malcolm X's 1962 speech,...
Celebrate the history of Jazz music in Utah. Along with guests Dee-Dee Darby-Duffin and George Brown, Danor and Lonzo discuss the evolution of jazz...
Explore the challenges and successes of being an LGBTQ+ person of color in Utah. How can we make inclusion intentional to accept and celebrate...